The technology giant is in talks to create an online radio station that tailors its playlist to a listener’s individual taste.
It could rival Pandora, an existing US “custom” radio station. Shares in Pandora fell by as much as 17pc to $10.35 (£6.46) on Friday in response.
Adrian Drury, a technology analyst at Ovum, said Apple was shrewdly protecting its business from Pandora.
“It is an acknowledgement by Apple of the success of the ad-funded web radio model and the impact that is having on the download-to-own market,” he said. “This would control the market and steal away some of the thunder that is being sucked up by Spotify and Pandora.”
The new station could work on Apple hardware as well as Windows PCs, the Wall Street Journal claimed.
It would monitor which songs a customer chooses to compile a personalised “station” of similar tracks. Adverts would interrupt the soundtrack and generate revenue.
Apple is thought to be in negotiations over licensing, although talks are still at an early stage and it could take months to launch the service.
But it could struggle to turn a profit. Pandora last week reported its revenue increased in the most recent quarter but it still lost $5.4m because of royalties.
Apple declined to comment.