The Kindle Fire HD will be available in two models, with a 7” (17.8cm) screen version selling at £159 or £199 for 16GB and 32GB respectively. Amazon’s device will challenge Google’s popular Nexus 7, also £159, and the retailer made its pitch clear with claims that its device was “the most advanced 7” tablet”.
An 8.9” (22.6cm), aimed directly against Apple's slightly larger iPad, will be on sale in America from November and will also feature 4G connectivity but UK customers will have to wait for this version.
Amazon will however start to sell an improved version of its original Kindle Fire in the UK for £129. Both devices sold in the UK will be available for delivery from 25 October.
The Kindle Fire HD offers what Amazon claims is the fastest WiFi available on a tablet, an 11-hour battery life and a front-facing camera for use with applications such as Skype.
Amazon is undercutting Apple’s iPad, Kobo’s new Arc and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab, while matching the price of the Nexus 7 but offering more storage. All Amazon’s devices, however, will be subsidised by adverts shown on their lock screens.